Menéndez Pelayo, el hombre tras el bibliófilo. Orígenes de la novela, capítulo IX: cuentos y novelas cortas


Carmen Hernández Valcárcel


Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, Orígenes de la Novela


Don Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo, with his enormous critical work, has been and continues to be an unavoidable reference for generations and generations of researchers and literary critics who approach the study of the very varied subjects he analyzed (from the heterodox Spanish to the most diverse facets of Aesthetics and Literature). The overwhelming erudition of his studies (which to him, however, sometimes seemed limited and insufficient) make them an inexcusable starting point for those who begin researching the texts and authors of our classical literature, and much more. when subjects as broad and sometimes little studied as the short novel and the story of the Middle Ages and the 16th century are set as objectives



March 15, 2024