Menéndez Pelayo e Inglaterra: Menéndez Pelayo y el hispanismo británico


Anthony H. Clarke


Matcelino Menéndez Pelayo, Literary historiography, United Kingdom


Over the course of the last eighty years, studies on Menéndez Pelayo, his work and his image, have covered a good part of the relationships between the great polygraph and the rest of Spain – Catalonia, Galicia and Asturias above all – without neglecting the important Hispanic American relations. Such contacts throughout his life as a scholar and librarian attest not only to his prestige in the world of letters but also to his practical merits as a counselor. However, this same almost global prestige does not mean, by any means, that we have exhausted the rich vein of his work and his cultural contribution. Through the letters exchanged between Don Marcelino and the great figures of literary criticism in other European countries, we knew a lot about the critical-bibliographical relationships between the Cantabrian master and scholars in Germany, France, England, Italy and Portugal, but we have not taken on the task. to contemplate and appreciate the complete picture – if that possibility exists – until very recently, perhaps under the sting of the enormous and definitive Epistolario



March 15, 2024